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2023-2024 Women's Initiative for Professional Development

Applications will be accepted from February 27 through March 24, 2023 and will be available on the InfoReady system.  APPLY HERE

UC WI is a personal, professional development program designed to:

  • Cultivate a professional network that spans the UC system
  • Provide access to top UC leaders to learn about their diverse leadership approaches and journeys
  • Strengthen skills and confidence through hands-on practice with a range of tools in the areas of:
    • Self-awareness and reflection
    • Professional development and impact
    • Strategic relationship building
    • Developing and delivering a compelling narrative regarding one’s professional accomplishments and vision
    • Negotiating for yourself at work
    • Peer coaching

While concepts and tools discussed during UC WI may be applied to leadership or management roles within UC, it is not a leadership or management development program. 

*Frequently Asked Questions*
Why is this program being offered?

UC WI is a professional development program designed to assist woman-identified professionals with advancing in their careers. The program is sponsored by the President’s office and the Systemwide Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (SACSW) and was developed in partnership with CORO Northern California and Systemwide Talent Management. UC WI is committed to enabling the full participation, success, and advancement of woman- identified professionals at the University and is open to all employees who support this mission.

Who is this program for?
Mid-career (defined as 1-5 years with the UC, any campus) faculty, academic personnel or staff, who have demonstrated potential for advancement.  The program is available for both woman-identified professionals as well as those who support the career growth of woman-identified professionals. 

How will the program be delivered? 
All cohorts will again be held virtually. 

What are the program costs?
Fees are covered through the generous support of the Chancellor's Office and UCM Staff Assembly. 

How many spots are available? 
We will be selecting 12 participants and up to 6 alternates. 

What are the time commitments? 
Each cohort is made up of four sessions. The first session of each cohort is one and a half days, the remaining sessions are one day each. Each day long session is split into a two and a half hour morning session, a three hour afternoon session and a 90 minute lunch break. The final session is a capstone event and incudes a two hour afternoon session before the final day long session. Additional hour long check-in calls are scheduled between sessions to provide opportunities for networking outside of program sessions.

Cohort One: September - November 2023
Cohort Two: January - March 2024
Cohort Three: April - June 2024

There is a strict attendance policy — participants must attend all sessions in their entirety. Full attendance supports networking, bonding, learning and peer coaching.

Other questions? Contact or visit the UC Women’s Initiative website